My name is Sarah Carberry… and I am a Soul Midwife and Amicus Mortis (Companion to the Dying). Ten years ago, I returned from the UK accompanied by two teenage sons, my 84yr old mother, a large Newfoundland dog and small cat. My mother had been diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2007 and had been in a UK Care Home for 3 years. She was keen to return home to NZ with me and it resulted in building her a Granny flat next to my house in the Mahau Sound. My mother adapted to the Sounds way of life easily and often commented that she wanted to die here… where she felt at home. This led to many questions as to how I could help her achieve this when the time came.
In 2016 I attended a training course in Deathwalking, basically a return to dying at home supported by community. This was run by Zenith Virago of the Australian Natural Death Care Centre. On day 1 of the course It struck me that this was not just to help my mother through her journey… but to support others in the Marlborough Sounds who were also hoping to die at home when their time came.
I was extremely fortunate to know Jann Hook and after many months of long walks and talks on the Queen Charlotte track, we set up the Fare-Well Trust. We formed a Memorandum of Understanding with Hospice Marlborough and registered as a charitable trust.
Our amazing Fare-Well team has grown and alongside Hospice we continue to provide a gentle, loving and caring service to those who want to end their days at home in the Marlborough Sounds. It is both rewarding and a privilege to offer this service.

Kia ora, my name is Jann Hook and I have the honour of being one of the co-founders of the Farewell Trust, a trustee member and the board chair since its inception. Working alongside Sarah and learning about all the facets of being a companion to the dying is a privilege and such a worthwhile and rewarding journey to be a part of. I previously had the privilege of being there to assist both my mother and my father when the time came for their deaths and this is something I wanted to be able to do for other people as well. Working with Sarah and the amazing devoted team at Farewell Trust has enabled me to do this in our own community.
As a Funeral Celebrant and a Death Care Advocate, I have a strong empathy for working with families who are coming to terms with the death of their loved one.
I have worked in the celebrant industry for the past 15 years. I am a Validated Member of the Celebrants Aotearoa of NZ.
I attained my Diploma in Celebrancy in 2020. Along with my husband, Trevor, I live and work at Te Mahia Bay Resort in the Kenepuru Sound, Marlborough. My passions include the arts, gardening, sailing, skiing and of course being Nanny Janny to my beautiful grandchildren.

Kia ora, my name is Jenny Garing. I am a linguist, traveller, food writer, teacher, business owner and Health Trust administrator who moved to the beautiful Mahau Sound in 2017. I met my doppelganger Sarah Carberry soon after, and was humbled and privileged to work with her caring for a local dying woman. I was impressed with the self-less work that Fare-well Trust does in the Marlborough Sounds and am now pleased to be a part of this evolving, world-leading organisation, creating a Compassionate Community in this stunning but remote area. I am a Trustee but also the Administrator for Fare-well Trust. I work on the day to day running of the Trust , making sure we meet all regulations and requirements as a Charitable Trust. I also try to make us viable by applying for grants when needed, so that the services we provide can continue to be free for the patients and whanau. As a food writer and cook I also have an interest in researching foods that will enhance the quality of life for those in their final stages. When not helping with the Fare-well Trust administration I can be found cooking, writing, walking my dogs or fishing off the jetty.

Hi, I am Deborah Hartley and I come to you with a background of 30 plus years of nursing experience. As a registered nurse/midwife/palliative nurse my 2 most stressful, but rewarding roles were bringing life into this world, and assisting lives to crossover. Having been there to help my own dad achieve his dying wish of staying at home was both an honor and a privilege. I feel humbled that I am now able to utilize the experience to help others. I am holistically able to support people in the Marlborough Sounds to die at home with their loved ones around them. Owning and operating a natural therapies business for 9 plus years has helped me consolidate my views that death is a natural and inevitable part of our health and well-being cycle. It should not be feared but hopefully eventually embraced. With this knowledge of natural therapies and western medicine I can help assist a dying person and their whanau to achieve their Fare-well Trust wishes, (or advanced care plan) with the most non-interventional, peaceful and dignified resolution. Thank you in advance for enriching my life by allowing me to be part of your heartfelt journey, with those most important to you by your side.