A safe place to come and rest, to create more memories, or where you can begin to absorb, adjust and accept.
Fare-well Trust has a purpose built facility in the beautiful Mahau Sound available as an Assisted Dying Unit for you and your whanau to build memories before and including the final day.
Also available for worn out carers to relax and have some respite.
What we offer:
- A 2-bedroom self-contained unit with disabled access bathroom, full kitchen and gorgeous deck.
- A place for whanau to come together to build memories in their loved one’s final days.
- A safe and beautiful place for an assisted death. We liaise with the AD doctors.
- A place to rest and re-charge for worn out carers.
- Professional support is available from our death doula, palliative nurse and funeral celebrant.
- Other services available by arrangement at a reasonable price including massage therapist and catering.
Working in conjunction with Hospice Marlborough and Nelson AD Doctors.
For enquiries and bookings please contact our team.

- $120 per night for whanau to stay for up to 5 days for an assisted death (conditions apply)
- Accommodation for worn-out carers $120 per night
- A local caterer and qualified massage therapist can supply services at a reasonable price.
Flyer: (to download)
We have made this flyer. Feel free to download, print and show it to someone you care about.
I had my own notion of grief
I thought it was a sad time
That followed the death of someone you love.
And you had to push through it
To get to the other side.
But I’m learning there is no other side.
There is no pushing through.
But rather,
There is absoption, adjustment, acceptance.
And grief is not something you complete.
But rather you endure.
Grief is not a task to finish, and move on.
But an element of yourself-
An alteration of your being.
A new way of seeing.
A new definition of self.